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the Cost of Personal Loans

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$ 5500
Apr 2008
Tampa Florida
Hard money loans are very expensive  more... close row
$ 0
Mar 2008
Amarillo, TX
Working relationship with the bank helps with loans  more... close row

Description of service

There was no loan originating fee, it was simply a signature loan at 9.25%. The other fees were pretty much removed as this loan was being paid back by direct deposit.

Review of Service

We had other loans with the same bank, and due to having a history with the bank the process was extremly easy. We simply called and talked with the banker (VP of loans), explained that I was going through school for a job promotion (this promotion couldn't get a student loan as the school is six months long and presented by the company I work for). I told her how much we would need as we had been preparing for the school. The service was outstanding, she processed the information and then told us the money was ready for deposit. We simply had to go and sign the paperwork (took all of five minutes) as the paperwork was ready. On an unsecured loan, I feel we did very well as many other places are slowing down on even giving loans at all (fear they may lose everything - due to economy). I really can't think of anything bad about the service. They actually worked pretty hard to get the loan (including met another banks interest rate).


Because of an established working relationship with the bank, there were no problems in gettig the loan.

$ 563
Apr 2008
East Lansing, MI
Loan to take care of expenses for bar exam  more... close row
$ 545
Mar 2008
Anaheim, CA
Personal loan for personal expenses  more... close row
$ 0
Jan 2008
Phoenix, AZ
Familiarity with bank paid off  more... close row
$ 3069
Jun 2006
Aurora, Colorado
Taking advantage of loan hardship program to delay payments  more... close row
$ 200
Feb 2008
Columbus, Ohio
Two hundred dollar loan for car repairs  more... close row
$ 3500
Mar 2008
Garland, TX
Loan for a medical bill  more... close row
$ 175
Mar 2008
Amarillo, TX
good relationship with bank paid off  more... close row
$ 100
Jun 2007
Mount Pleasant, MI
High interest loan due to low credit score  more... close row