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the Cost of Personal Loans

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$ 5500
Apr 2008
Tampa Florida
Hard money loans are very expensive  more... close row
$ 0
Mar 2008
Amarillo, TX
Working relationship with the bank helps with loans  more... close row
$ 563
Apr 2008
East Lansing, MI
Loan to take care of expenses for bar exam  more... close row
$ 545
Mar 2008
Anaheim, CA
Personal loan for personal expenses  more... close row
$ 3069
Jun 2006
Aurora, Colorado
Taking advantage of loan hardship program to delay payments  more... close row
$ 0
Jan 2008
Phoenix, AZ
Familiarity with bank paid off  more... close row

Description of service

The service was a small "personal use loan" from my usual bank. All service charges were rolled into the interest I was charged as there was no out of pocket expense to get things rolling.

It's a full service bank so they offer everything from basic savings and checking plans to assistance in international investments.

Review of Service

Crunched some numbers, figured for what I was doing I'd be better off taking out a loan than pulling money out of my investments for . Went to the loan officer at my bank, said hi how's it going, here's what I need. He already had most of my info on hand from before so it took next to no time and I had the money by the end of business that day. Couldn't be easier. But then I've been at that bank for over a decade and my credit is pretty good.


The cost of borrowing money is interest. The more of a risk you are, the more the bank's going to want to be compensated for loaning you money, so the more interest the bank charges.

Beware variable interest rates. They may have great interest rates when you sign them, but they go up and down pretty much arbitrarily, meaning you'll never really know exactly how much you'll end up paying out in the long run. And it could be really a lot.

And don't speculate in the stock market with borrowed money. Not only can you lose someone else's money but you can end up owing much more than you invest if you try to leverage an investment with borrowed money. Leverage being when you use a little money to control. Buying stock options is one kind of leverage.

$ 200
Feb 2008
Columbus, Ohio
Two hundred dollar loan for car repairs  more... close row
$ 3500
Mar 2008
Garland, TX
Loan for a medical bill  more... close row
$ 175
Mar 2008
Amarillo, TX
good relationship with bank paid off  more... close row
$ 100
Jun 2007
Mount Pleasant, MI
High interest loan due to low credit score  more... close row