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the Price of a Taxi Ride to the Airport

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$ 45
Mar 2008
New York, NY
25 minutes, 20 miles
Taxi from JFK Airport to Manhattan  more... close row

Description of service

The price of a yellow-cab taxi from JFK Airport to anywhere in Manhattan is $45, and you have to add in bridge fees, which are usually $4.50. You are generally expected to give a tip, anywhere from $5-$10 depending on how good the service was. For the 20 miles back to Manhattan it generally takes about 25 minutes depending on time of day.

Review of Service

The service totally depends on the driver you get. I've had good experiences - where the driver understands what I'm saying and takes a good route to get there, and I've had really bad ones, where I tell him one direction and he wants to go another and the cab smells and I have to repeat myself several times since the driver doesn't speak English. I really like the cabs that have followed the new rules to have a GPS system and credit card machine inside. This makes the ride a bit more enjoyable - I don't have to worry about having enough cash on hand.


You can take a shuttle home from the airport, but that takes forever since it drops off multiple passengers all over the island. You can also take the subway back to Manhattan, which includes a $2.50 air-train ride to the tracks. This route generally takes about an hour and a half depending on what time of day it is. Car services are the most expensive. I used to arrange car services for professionals and it is usually $100+.

$ 45
Dec 2007
Seattle, WA
About 20 miles, 25 minutes
Taxi service from SEATAC to Green Lake  more... close row
$ 20
Jan 2008
Phoenix, AZ
15 minutes 12 miles
Early-morning taxi ride to the airport  more... close row
$ 55
Jan 2008
Tucson, AZ
45 minutes; 30 miles
Company mandated taxi ride  more... close row
$ 37
Mar 2008
Honolulu, Hi
15 minutes, about 10 miles
Cab fare to Honolulu airport  more... close row
$ 35
Feb 2008
New York, NY
30 minutes, 15 miles
Cab from Central Park to LaGuardia airport  more... close row
$ 46
Mar 2008
Chicago, IL
50 minutes, 22 miles
Downtown Chicago to O'Hare Airport in afternoon traffic  more... close row
$ 40
Sep 2006
New York, NY
25 min - 8 miles
La Guardia to Manhattan in a round about way  more... close row
$ 65
Jul 2007
Pelham, NY
35 minutes, 11 Miles
Car service to JFK  more... close row
$ 0
Oct 2010
City, State
NykOqQ <a href="http://lkgsjcufoael.com/">lkgsjcufoael</a&g  more... close row
$ 38
May 2007
Sacramento, CA
20 minutes, 13 miles
Downtown to the airport  more... close row
$ 54
Sep 2007
Denver, CO
40 minutes, 26 miles
Pricey cab ride to the Denver airport  more... close row
$ 45
Jan 2008
30 miles, 25 minutes
Taking a taxi to a new home  more... close row
$ 45
Mar 2008
Manhattan, NY
45-90 minutes
Manhattan to JFK  more... close row