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the Cost of Water and Sewer Service

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$ 62
Apr 2008
Amarillo, TX
City Water and Sewage service  more... close row

Description of service

This includes water, sewage, and trash service. Since it is all provided by the city there really isn't any choice on the matter, other than not getting water or services at all. Because of a payment history with the city there wasn't any other fees assosciated with our monthly bill.

Review of Service

The city water is considered to be passable, but sometimes it tastes a little like bleach so a good water filter is a must. The trash is through a public trash can (which covers four families) so very rarely is it too full to use, in fact it is dumped twice a week at very early hours of the day. The sewage is also covered in this rate, so everything from the alley way to the house is covered by us and everything in the alley way is covered by the city. Overall the service is ok, and there are very few interruptions to service that can even be remembered.


Since the city pretty much controls all of the sewage and water as well as the trash service inside the city limits, there really isn't any alternative to using their service. Keeping up on payments limits whether any additional fees are charged during the year.

$ 59
Mar 2008
Rainbow City, AL
Not wasting water helps utility bills  more... close row
$ 25
May 2008
Hurricane, WV
Monthly bill for water and sewage for parents  more... close row
$ 177
Apr 2008
Monroe, Wisconsin
Three months of water and sewage  more... close row
$ 102
Apr 2008
Ashburn, VA
Water and sewer easiest of all utilities  more... close row
$ 35
Apr 2008
Columbus, Oh
A monopoly on water and sewer service  more... close row
$ 90
Apr 2008
Boston, MA
Monthly bill for three condo units  more... close row
$ 190
Mar 2008
Faribault, MN
The price of our water bill has just incresed.   more... close row
$ 122
Apr 2008
Bellmawr, NJ
Price per two months of water and sewer service  more... close row