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the Price of a Dental Cleaning and Check-up

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$ 50
Feb 2008
Phoenix, AZ
Annual cleaning and checkup  more... close row
$ 162
Jan 2008
Fort Bragg, CA
Dental check up and x-rays  more... close row
$ 250
Jan 2008
New York, NY
Dentist office like a spa  more... close row
$ 70
Mar 2008
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Routine dental cleaning  more... close row
$ 135
Mar 2008
Washington, D.C.
Cleaning, x rays and exam  more... close row
$ 62
Oct 2007
Kansas City, Mo
Dental care at a dental college  more... close row
$ 108
Mar 2008
Bridgeport, WV
Bi-annual cleaning and oral evaluation  more... close row
$ 70
Nov 2007
Rocky River, Ohio
Cleaning and exam from the dentist  more... close row
$ 100
Apr 2008
Dearborn MI
Cost for one twice a year dental exam  more... close row
$ 87
Aug 2007
Oakland, CA
Routine check up and cleaning  more... close row

Description of service

I got a routine teeth cleaning and dental check-up with X-rays.

My teeth were cleaned, the gums were checked (the hygienist read off whatever the mysterious numbers are that measure something about my gums), flossed, X-rays were taken, and the dentist came in and looked at the X-rays.

I paid for this because my dental insurance thought it was too soon for me to have a cleaning.

Review of Service

I love my dentist. She is professional and friendly and remembers details about me that just baffle me. The hygienists are chatty (must they ask questions when they have their hands in my mouth?) and thorough. I have really sensitive teeth and gums, so sometimes they put some topical anesthetic on my gums. They always remember that I have that problem.

The hygienist made the teeth cleaning the most pleasant experience that a teeth cleaning can be. The dentist came to check on my X-rays, and to reassure me that everything was OK.


If you're a wimp about dentists, like me (sensitive teeth), then a good, compassionate dentist is really important. I would recommend choosing a dentist based on the recommendations of people you know. Also, if you are nervous at all, have the hygienist explain everything to you before he or she actually does it.

Also, make sure that you know the details of your dental insurance coverage. I thought that mine would pay for two cleanings a year but it turns out that they will only do that if they are 6 months apart. Because of scheduling, they were closer together and I had to pay for one.

$ 40
Apr 2009
Ashland, Ky
Very pleasant and cheap dental cleaning  more... close row
$ 99
Oct 2007
Boiling Springs, SC
Full check up with x rays and cleaning  more... close row
$ 1400
Feb 2007
Cleaning, x rays and six fillings  more... close row
$ 400
Jun 2007
Akron, OH
Cleaning, examination, and filling a cavity  more... close row
$ 243
Mar 2008
Grand Rapids, MI
Initial consultation with a new dentist  more... close row
$ 149
Mar 2008
Canton, MI
Full dental exam with x-rays and cleaning  more... close row
$ 325
Sep 2007
Ft. Washington, MD
High price for quick view of mouth  more... close row