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the Price of Tree Removal

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$ 1100
Aug 2007
Royal Oaks, MI
Old tree had to be cut down to save house  more... close row
$ 150
Nov 2007
Holbrook, New York
Removal of three large oak trees  more... close row

Description of service

This is the price per tree to remove three large oak trees that were estimated to be approximately 80 years old each. This price included cutting down the trees and grinding the stump. It included removal of all brush and smaller limbs from the trees, but did not include removing the trunk. Trunk removal would have been another $50 per tree. They did cut the trunk into smaller pieces -- about 5 feet long -- and stacked them neatly against my fence. The price also included cleaning up all debris. I had four men here for over three hours and they only stopped briefly to eat lunch.

Review of Service

This is a noisy and frightening project to watch. One man literally walked up the sides of the trees carrying a chain saw in one hand and cutting off limbs all the way up. Meanwhile there were three more men on the ground guiding large ropes that are draped around the larger limbs and the trunk so they can pull them down in a safe direction away from the house. The men on the ground also used chain saws to cut up the limbs and then put them through the woodchipper. It all goes very quickly and I felt that for the amount of work these guys did, the price was a real bargain.


I was lucky enough to know someone who wanted firewood, so I didn't have to pay for the trunk removal. If you are not so lucky, prepare to pay an extra fee for this service. You cannot believe how much wood this amounts to if you don't let them cart it. Also, be aware that when they allow the trunk to fall to the ground, you will have large craters in your lawn that you will need to fill with topsoil and re-seed. Make sure the tree service company is licensed and insured. This is extremely hazardous work, and not only can someone be seriously injured, but there can be tremendous damage to your house or property if something goes wrong.

$ 2015
Mar 2007
Troy, MI
Removal of several trees from yard  more... close row
$ 750
Mar 2008
Richlandtown, PA
Removal of one large tree from our yard  more... close row
$ 3025
Mar 2008
Lakeside, Montana
Tree clearing and log removal on two and a half acres  more... close row
$ 600
Feb 2008
Winston Salem
Tree removal near power lines  more... close row
$ 250
Jun 2007
Ashland, Kentucky
Tree in the way of power lines  more... close row
$ 100
Apr 2008
Cranston, Rhode Island
One eight hour work day of tree removal and trimming  more... close row
$ 275
Nov 2006
Ft. Washington, MD
Tree trimming and removal  more... close row
$ 2500
May 2007
Monroe, Wisconsin
Huge tree should have been removed long ago  more... close row
$ 900
Aug 2007
Brighton, MI
Cut down trees without removing them  more... close row
$ 350
Mar 2007
Warren, AR
Lightning damaged tree removed  more... close row
$ 600
Apr 2008
Derby, CT
Four large oak trees cut down  more... close row