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the Price of Checking Accounts

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$ 0
Apr 2008
Boiling Springs, SC
regular checking
Bank with very helpful services  more... close row
$ 12
Jun 2007
Phoenix, AZ
Basic checking account with many limits  more... close row
$ 18
Feb 2008
Houston, TX
Fee for one time services  more... close row
$ 0
Apr 2008
North Brunswick, NJ
Great services from free checking account  more... close row
$ 0
Sep 2007
Alameda, CA
Direct Deposit Checking Account  more... close row
$ 0
Jan 2008
Canton, Michigan
New checking account with no minimum balance  more... close row

Description of service

Opened a new checking account that has no minimum balance and complete online access to the account. There was a $100 minimum amount to open the account with, but after the account is open it has no minimum balance or fee. There were no fees for opening the account besides ordering checks, which was mandatory. The checks cost $15 for a box. Having online access to the account was offered without any extra fees, except for online bill pay, which has a $5 monthly fee. Transfers between accounts are available online for this account, but are only free if both accounts are with the same bank.

Review of Service

I haven't had any complaints about the quality of service so far. The teller that helped me open the account was very friendly and helpful. The bank also had informational brochures comparing the different types of accounts they offer as well as explaining how to use the online banking system.


I would find a bank that offers a free checking account with no minimum balance and access to an online banking system without additional fees. Make sure to ask questions about the features offered on the online system. Some banks may allow you to check your account statement online, but have additional fees associated with things such as online bill pay or online transfers between accounts.

$ 4
Jan 2008
Greenwood, IN
Checking account with a credit union  more... close row
$ 0
Apr 2008
Fayetteville, NC
Another free checking account  more... close row
$ 0
Apr 2008
Kennebunk, ME
Checking with ATM
Basic checking account with ATM benefits  more... close row
$ 0
Apr 2006
Tewksbury, MA
free interest checking
Free checking with interest  more... close row
$ 6
Mar 2008
Phoenix, AZ
Basic checking account with increasing fees  more... close row
$ 0
Apr 2008
North Brunswick, NJ
Absolutely free of any charge checking account  more... close row