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the Price of Health Insurance from an HMO

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$ 750
Mar 2008
Richlandtown, PA
HMO plan for spouse and two children  more... close row
$ 1000
Apr 2008
Anaheim, CA
HMO means must get appointment far in advance  more... close row
$ 556
Jan 2008
Memphis, Tennessee
Monthly premium for two adults and three children  more... close row
$ 134
Mar 2008
North Canton, OH
Happy with HMO health insurance  more... close row
$ 140
May 2008
Phoenix, AZ
Additional coverage besides medicare  more... close row
$ 52
Jun 2008
Harrisburg, PA
Getting money's worth from HMO  more... close row
$ 159
Jun 2008
Brockton, MA
Biweekly payment for HMO  more... close row
$ 218
Jul 2007
Sacramento, CA
Paying online saves money on payment  more... close row
$ 450
Mar 2008
Alhambra, CA
HMO through employer  more... close row
$ 90
Jun 2008
Chicago, Illinois
Employees monthly contribution to HMO  more... close row
$ 955
Jun 2008
Lexington, KY
Highest level of coverage best if health concerns  more... close row
$ 120
Apr 2008
Lincolnton, NC
Switching from PPO to HMO  more... close row
$ 40
Aug 2007
Bay City, Texas
Check HMO's consumer approval rating  more... close row
$ 240
Oct 2007
San Diego, CA
Individual Health Plan with large HMO  more... close row
$ 320
Mar 2007
Warren, AR
Monthly premium for family from employer's HMO  more... close row

Description of service

My husband was able to get all of us on his employer's HMO insurance plan for $320 per month. The deductible was not too bad ($500 per person, per year) and we were able to use our regular family doctor. We had a 20% copay. We did have to get a referral to see anybody else, but we were able to obtain it without too may problems.

Review of Service

This particular HMO insurance was good. Although we had to wait approximately a week to get approval to see an ear, nose and throat doctor for our son, it was approved. The $500 deductible was easy to meet, but the 20% copay, while fairly low, was harder to meet when we got referred to a specialist for surgery.


Research the HMO insurance company thoroughly. They are not all created equal. Although I liked the first HMO insurance company, my husband's employer switched companies on us and the second one was terrible.

The first one paid all claims within a month or two, and we even managed somehow to get a small portion of our doctor's payments refunded. The second company routinely took 6 months or so to even process the claims and routinely denied many of them. It seemed like every time you would call to discuss the claim you would get a different person, and the person you originally spoke with was "no longer there". As a result, we either had to pay all of the claims and hope for reimbursement or risk collection efforts.

$ 293
Jun 2007
pines, fl
Price per month for HMO plan  more... close row
$ 8000
Feb 2007
San Francisco CA
Premium for a couple for one year  more... close row