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the Price of a Lawyer for a Traffic Ticket

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$ 450
Jul 2007
Hoboken NJ
Lawyer for U-turn ticket gone bad  more... close row
$ 300
Jul 2008
Asheville, NC
Flat fee for attorney to deal with traffic ticket  more... close row
$ 150
Jul 2008
Tampa, Florida
Impressive traffic ticket lawyer  more... close row
$ 300
Apr 2008
Louisville, Kentucky
Not given a guarantee by lawyer  more... close row
$ 300
Aug 2006
Lawyer dealt with all four traffic tickets  more... close row
$ 150
Jan 2006
Sylacauga, Alabama
Lawyer was very helpful  more... close row
$ 110
May 2007
Syracuse, NY
Lawyer did a lot of work for traffic ticket  more... close row
$ 500
Jun 2008
Raleigh, nc
Lawyer for son's reckless driving  more... close row

Description of service

My son had an issue with driving fast. He was clocked at doing eighty five miles per hour in a forty five mile per hour zone. Because my son was on my insurance my premiums went up almost two hundred dollars. I was so afraid that he would end up killing someone or even getting hurt himself because of hi addiction to speed. I hired a local lawyer that specialized in all aspects of law. He promised me my son would not do jail time and that he would get him extra help. the lawyer charged a flat rate. He talked the judge into giving my son probation and making it mandatory that he does community service at the local morgue.

Review of Service

While my son was not pleased with working at a morgue, The whole experience has changed him. I am very pleased with the services I was given. The lawyer did not see my sons situation as our own, he actually made it personal. He looked at the situation as if my son was his. he fought tooth and nail to make sure my son wasn't punished unreasonably and that he made a complete turn around, which he did. Every cent I spent on this lawyer was well worth it!


When searching for legal help make sure the lawyer makes your situation personable, that way you know that he or she will fight hard to win your case and make sure the case is treated fairly.

$ 500
Mar 2008
Girard, Ohio
Tricky attorney did not help with speeding ticket  more... close row
$ 200
Apr 2008
Louisville Ky
Lawyer for seatbelt violation  more... close row