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the Cost of Seller's Real Estate Agents

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$ 17000
May 2008
Holbrook, New York
4 %
Very fast sale with an agent who is into self promotion  more... close row
$ 8400
Mar 2008
Blue Bell, PA
3 % plus 1.5 %
3% plus 1.5% using an MLS system  more... close row
$ 6540
Mar 2008
New Castle, PA
6 %
Experienced and effective seller's agent  more... close row

Description of service

The real estate agent that we selected was a seasoned veteran. She had been selling homes for over twenty years. Our first meeting with her lasted about two hours. She brought her laptop with her and presented her ideas as well as the services that she would be offering. Within twenty-four hours of our meeting, she had placed our house on the internet (MLS listing). The add was also placed on the realtor's home page as a virtual tour home. She had placed a sign in our yard 2 days after our meeting. She had professional looking brochures made up for other agents in the area as well as for potential buyers viewing our home. She held an open house one month after listing our home. Her services cost us six percent of our home's selling price. Our home sold in 35 days for $109,000 (our asking price had been $114,900). Our realtor made $6540.00

Review of Service

Our realtor was fast and efficient. She started advertising our home almost immediately after meeting with us. She started spreading the word around town and we had over 20 viewings of our home within the first month (not to mention the weather had been terrible). We feel she earned her 6% cut.


Some realtors will negotiate their take on your home. Our realtor told us up front that she would collect 6% of our home's selling price. We know other agents who request 7%. If you have to lower your home's asking price several times due to the market, you can also request that your realtor take a decrease in earnings. Before choosing an agent, look at other homes in you area that are for sale. Know what your market is and have a good idea of what your home is worth. Make sure your agent does a cost market analysis. You will then know what other homes in your area are selling for and how long that sat on the market. Price your house right and it will sell quickly.

$ 1500
Jun 2007
Phoenix, AZ
flat fee
Discount real estate service has flat fee  more... close row
$ 15000
Mar 2008
Miami, FL
5 %
Realtorprovided valuable services  more... close row
$ 18000
Mar 2008
atlanta, ga
Excellent service helped house sell quickly  more... close row
$ 22500
May 2008
Plainview New York
Senior agent better than a junior agent  more... close row
$ 9600
Sep 2007
Portsmouth, VA
Local real estate agent kept me out of the loop  more... close row
$ 11940
Apr 2008
Amarillo, TX
6 %
Realtor's fees regulated by the state  more... close row
$ 0
Jan 2007
Monroe, Wisconsin
6-7 %
House did not sell under agent  more... close row
$ 0
Mar 2008
Stroudsburg, PA
Home not sold yet but service good  more... close row
$ 10000
Aug 2007
Park City, UT
Bad housing market makes things difficult  more... close row