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the Cost of Private Elementary School Tuition

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$ 12000
Aug 2007
Phoenix, AZ
Year tuition for two students at secular private school  more... close row

Description of service

The price covers one year's tuition for two elementary school students (grades 5 and 6) at a secular private school.

The school also offers education from kindergarten through high school graduation and a variety of after school programs and extracurricular activities. Tuition is the same for each student regardless of grade level, but financial aid is available.

Review of Service

After becoming frustrated with the poor quality of our children's education in the public school, we went looking for a secular private alternative. We didn't really expect to find any in this state and had considered moving to a place where there was one, but to our delight we found just what we were looking for. As an added bonus, they refused government funding, so there was no taint of the public school system anywhere in there, and their teachers had at least a master's degree in the subjects they were teaching (math, chemistry, art, etc.), rather than a degree in "education."

They have a somewhat non-standard curriculum that focuses on critical thinking and teaching them how to learn for themselves. And their academic standards and the quality of the teaching are much higher than what we'd experienced anywhere. The kids seem far more engaged in the material they're learning.

Not only that but the middle schoolers and high schoolers seem far more mature and curious about the world than most I'd met from the local public schools. It might just be the kind of kids that get sent to private schools, but after seeing the changes in our kids, I think we're getting our money's worth.


If you can afford private school for your kids, don't hesitate to do it. Even if you can't afford it, sell your car, sell your house, get a second job, and beg the school for financial aid to meet tuition.

$ 4500
Aug 2007
Memphis, Tennessee
Private K-12 school gives excellent education  more... close row
$ 8280
Apr 2008
Tampa, Florida
first grade
A year of private school for six year old  more... close row
$ 975
May 2008
Salem, Oregon
Very high quality education grouped by skill level  more... close row
$ 900
Jun 2007
Private school offers small classes, extras  more... close row
$ 9350
Sep 2007
Santa Rosa, CA
One year of tuition for third grade son  more... close row
$ 500
Apr 2007
Chicago, Illinois
4th grade
Price per month for son's private school  more... close row
$ 900
Jan 2008
Houston, Texas
Monthly tuition for private school  more... close row
$ 6140
Aug 2007
Oviedo, Florida
One year of tuition at private religious school  more... close row