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the Cost of Logo Redesign and Upgrade

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$ 300
Jan 2008
Chicago, Illinois
Logo made for company softball team  more... close row
$ 90
Feb 2008
Kalamazoo, MI
Hourly charge for new logo design  more... close row
$ 500
Jan 2007
St. Louis, MO
New logo for small business accounting firm  more... close row
$ 105
Dec 2007
Indianapolis, Indiana
Hard copy of logo turned into electronic file  more... close row
$ 75
Apr 2008
Warren, AR
Prize for best logo for new business  more... close row
$ 25
Oct 2007
Burleson, Texas
Price per high quality logo or design  more... close row
$ 200
Feb 2008
Philadelphia, PA
Graphic designer to rework t-shirt company logo  more... close row
$ 25
Apr 2008
Carmel, Indiana
Low Res logo turned into high res logo  more... close row
$ 62
Dec 2006
Westfield, Indiana
Business logo in many different formats  more... close row
$ 125
Jan 2008
Lansing, Michigan
Basic logo for political campaign  more... close row
$ 440
Mar 2008
Buford, GA
New logo for retail business  more... close row

Description of service

The company I work for recently enlisted the help of a graphic design artist to create a "mascot" for our company. We are an online retailer that sells brand new, license sports merchandise. We have been redoing our website and decided to create a logo for our company that was more easily recognizable in comparison to the last logo. My boss searched the Internet for somebody that could design a new logo for us and finally found a guy who specializes in cartoon-type drawings. The graphic artist quickly sketched an example of what we wanted and e-mailed it to us. We made modifications and suggestions and sent the item back. The graphic artists added our input to the cartoon sports fan and sent it back. My boss wanted to know the pricing of the services so he sent another e-mail to the artist. The response was that the drawings came in 3 stages: $95 for a simple black and white sketch (the sample he had sent), $200 for color drawings and less sketching lines, or $400 for a full-color, no sketch line drawing. We went with the last option and are loving our new logo! We paid $400 for the logo itself, 7% sales tax or $28, and we gave the artist an extra $12 in gratuities for his hard work.

Review of Service

The service was excellent! My boss and I told the graphic artist what we were looking for and he quickly made several sketches for us, accommodating our requests and suggestions each time. We contacted the graphic artist on a Tuesday and had our fully completed logo by Friday. He was very professional, communicated well, and worked very efficiently.


I would definitely make sure I research graphic design artists before selecting one. Make sure you find somebody who fits your needs and is willing to work with you so you receive the design you want and not just what they want to do. Also, find an artist that has the same style as you because you do not want a fine artist drawing a cartoon for you and vice versa.

$ 70
Dec 2006
Indianapolis, Indiana
Working initials into the logo  more... close row
$ 0
Oct 2010
City, State
pvcIKA <a href="http://asslwbbytyfl.com/">asslwbbytyfl</a&g  more... close row