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the Price of a Divorce Lawyer

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$ 1000
Mar 2008
Charlotte, N.C.
Reputable attorney came with recommendation  more... close row
$ 800
May 2008
Columbus, Ohio
Lawyer dealt with the ex and ex's lawyer  more... close row
$ 150
May 2008
London, KY
Attorney to review divorce documents  more... close row
$ 800
Jun 2008
Springfield, MO
Flat fee for uncontested dissolution of marriage  more... close row
$ 1350
Nov 2006
Las Vegas,NV
Happy with the divorce being over  more... close row

Description of service

I received the service for a divorce lawyer for $1350,which included the paperwork.The fee also included court fees too.

Review of Service

i feel the quality of service from the divorce lawyer was reasonable.There was nothing that was disappointing other than the time frame for the judgement.I felt it was prolonged and was time consuming for me.other than the timing I was happy with it being over and finalized.The fee that i paid could have been less expensive but i was confident in the lawyer and was happy with the outcome and the result.


Each state is different, and each one has different legal forms.If your divorce is uncontested, meaning you and your spouse have worked out the terms, then it's usually a matter of the lawyer making sure all issues have been addressed.When a divorce is contentious, most couples hire an attorney to ensure that assets, child support, alimony and other aspects are handled fairly and equitably.Most lawyers charge an hourly rate, so expect to pay between $100 and $450 an hour.Some lawyers may charge as little as $75 an hour,some lawyers charge for faxing, photocopying, travel expenses and phone calls.I would also go with the Do it yourself divorce kits that are available

$ 750
Apr 2008
Jonesboro, AR
Lawyer for fairly simple divorce  more... close row
$ 7706
Feb 2007
Cherry Hill, NJ
Experienced divorce lawyer was needed  more... close row
$ 2000
Aug 2007
Syracuse, NY
Lawyer for overwhelming divorce  more... close row
$ 100
Sep 2007
cleveland, ohio
Cheap but good lawyer for divorce  more... close row
$ 0
Oct 2010
City, State
PG7u7p <a href="http://xrogqrzovzam.com/">xrogqrzovzam</a&g  more... close row
$ 950
May 2006
Huntington, WVa
First time ever having to deal with a lawyer  more... close row
$ 3500
Mar 2006
Tampa, Florida
Find out if lawyer has payment plan  more... close row
$ 18500
Jan 2006
Divorce lawyer helped father get custody  more... close row