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the Price of Satellite Cable TV with DVR

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$ 87
Apr 2008
Phoenix, AZ
Free installation for satellite cable with dvr  more... close row
$ 60
Mar 2008
West Salem, Ohio
Satellite cable with two DVRs  more... close row
$ 70
Dec 2007
Northeast Arkansas
120 channels plus a movie channel package  more... close row
$ 80
May 2008
Phoenix, AZ
Still do not watch much TV  more... close row
$ 40
Apr 2008
Ashland, KY
Satellite Cable TV with DVR but no local stations  more... close row
$ 54
Mar 2008
Braintree, MA
Satelite TV Service with DVR  more... close row
$ 0
Feb 2008
columbia, mo
Satellite system installed with dvr and hd  more... close row
$ 90
Aug 2007
Marana, AZ
Satellite cable with bad customer service  more... close row

Description of service

I signed up for satellite cable. The package that I signed up for is like 300 channels plus my local channels and HD DVR service. I was suppose to get the HD for free for six months and HBO and STARZ movie channels free for three months. I had to sign a 18 month service agreement to receive these perks. When I signed up for the service over the phone they told me my local channels would be in HD ( high definition ).

Review of Service

After everything was installed and I turned it on, I turned it on and found out that my local channels were not in HD. Not only that, the channels that did come in HD were wierd channels that Dish Network created like the monster channel and the kung fu channel. These are channels that you will probably never watch. So in reality I didn't get even close to the amount of HD channels they were promising. The only good thing is the HD and DVR receivers were free instead of a couple hundred dollars like the other companies, but those companies have a way better HD channel selection. They also screwed up my bill in the first few months. The discounts that I was supposed to be getting weren't credited. When I called customer service I could only talk to people that barely spoke English and they didn't understand what I was asking. I took forever to get the bill resolved. And now I am stuck in an 18 month contract.


If you are going to buy satellite service make sure to talk to different people who have the services to see what is best. Because you don't get to see what you are really getting until you get it all hooked up and you are stuck with them.

$ 65
Apr 2008
Omaha, NE
Living without TV during installation  more... close row
$ 45
Apr 2008
Mount Pleasant, NC
Free Installation fee with satellite cable TV and DVR  more... close row