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the Cost of Poster Printing Services

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$ 55
Apr 2008
Band Poster, Handbills
Posters to promote band's performance  more... close row
$ 260
May 2007
San Francisco, CA
3 Large Posters
Three posters on heavy-duty non-fade vinyl  more... close row
$ 26
Oct 2007
Huntington, WV
Poster sized photos made great gift  more... close row
$ 15
Mar 2008
Canton, OH
poster from a photo
Large picture of daughter at the zoo printed as a poster  more... close row
$ 75
Sep 2007
Chicago, Illinois
Glossy posters helped campaign for school secretary  more... close row
$ 15
Jun 2007
Pittsburgh, PA
16 X 20 Poster
Photo poster of a friend  more... close row

Description of service

16 X 20 poster of a friend. It was printed on glossy photo. It was my first time making a poster, so I didn't realize everything I had to do to make my poster how I wanted it. I think the service gave me pointers, but, I didn't understand exactly at the time how it would turn out.

Review of Service

I didn't make enough pixels in my photo for this particular picture, so I wasn't really satisfied with the photo, but it was my fault. Overall, I think the service was good. I received what I paid for in a reasonable amount of time and the quality of the product was good.


I have a few tips for making your poster one that you will love. Make sure you do any any enhancing of the photo that you want to before giving it to the printer. Make sure you have enough pixels in the photo if you are supplying a digital photo, so that when they blow it up to the size you want, it doesn't look blurry. Also, if the photo is digital, remove the red eye, crop your picture and use the instant fix feature to ensure the color is printed brilliantly on your photo and you should love the results. There are a few online services now that make large posters and canvas posters of your digital photos. The quality is very good and the price iv very reasonable.

$ 10
Jun 2008
12x18 Poster Laminated
Poster printing and lamination  more... close row
$ 35
May 2008
Printing a poster
Poster printing for college course  more... close row
$ 100
Jul 2007
Memphis, Tennessee
4 custom posters
Funny posters printed for husband's birthday   more... close row
$ 25
Feb 2008
Marietta, Ohio
20 Full Color, 11 by 18 Posters
Printer was in a bad mood  more... close row