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the Price of Party Food Delivery

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$ 0
Jun 2008
Clay, NY
assorted party food for 30 people
Food for a graduation party  more... close row
$ 10
May 2008
Chicago, Illinois
Party Trays for a party
Party trays included a lot of disposable plasticware  more... close row
$ 20
Aug 2008
Chicago, Illinois
Party Food for 15 people
Delivery fee and tip for party food  more... close row
$ 0
Dec 2006
Montgomery, AL
party trays
Food delivery for a holiday party  more... close row
$ 35
Jan 2008
Tampa, Florida
cuban food and sandwich tray
Left a large tip for good service  more... close row
$ 0
Jun 2006
erie, pa
meatballs, antipasta salad, rolls
Excellent food with no leftovers  more... close row

Description of service

I was paying to have enough food for 50 people. The tax was 12.50 of the 225. This price was for 3 large pans of salad, 60 rolls, and 3 large pans of meatballs. Delivery was free.

Review of Service

At first I was skeptical about the service. However I ordered the food three days in advance which was required and it was ready for the party in the morning around eleven. They were great with the time aspect, meaning it was not old or cold by the time I needed it. The food turned out to be very scrumptious. There were no left overs. The only bad part about the service was that the restaurant I ordered from had consistently received critical violations from the health department. They were not ones strong enough to close the restaurant but ones to make me consider purchasing and consuming the food. This place however, was the cheapest around. It was enough food to feed fifty people for a low price. I am satisfied with the service I received.


If you are looking to order food for a lot of people make sure you ask around. You could always find someone who will provide more food for the money. I wish I had more time to shop around before I used the service I chose. However we all have our preferences with food and you decide what is worth your money.

$ 10
Aug 2008
Louisville, KY
Food for a baby shower  more... close row
$ 30
Feb 2008
Cleveland, OH
Appetizers & Sandwich Trays
Delivery of appetizers and sandwiches  more... close row
$ 18
Aug 2008
Bardstown, KY
Small sandwiches, cheese platter, bbq and dessert
Delivery charge and tip for little sister's birthday food  more... close row
$ 35
Apr 2008
Chicago, IL
Italian food for a party
Mixed service from company  more... close row
$ 12
Feb 2007
Chicago, IL
Super Bowl Party Tray
Late notice but courteous driver  more... close row
$ 10
Aug 2008
Lexington, KY
Mexican Taco Bar
Only gave three days advance notice and got great food  more... close row
$ 45
Oct 2007
Westminster, MD
Chicken, Fruit, Brownies
Tip for platters of food for work lunch  more... close row