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$ 200
Sep 2007
Brooklyn, NY
Jazz, Tap, and Comtemporary
Daughter takes jazz tap and contemporary dance classes  more... close row

Description of service

The cost of dance lessons at a studio range depending on how many classes your child takes. It also depends on the level of difficulty of the class. Each lesson usually lasts one hour per week. I paid $200 a month in fees for my child to attend three classes a week. The classes she chose to take were jazz, tap, and contemporary.

There were also some fees that I had to pay upfront like an enrollment fee and a new student fee. Those were minimal and one-time only. I also paid a trial fee for each class as I wanted my daughter to try the classes before I paid for her to actually be enrolled. This was a smart decision as she did not like some of the classes she thought she would.

There are also many additional fees that you must take into consideration. The cost of shoes and attire is not included in the tuition bill. Dance shoes can be very costly, and each style of dance requires different types of shoes. Other costs not included in tuition are costs for costumes for recitals and competition fees, if your child decides to go to a competition studio.

Review of Service

The quality is fantastic, as long as you are sending your child to a reputable studio. I would make sure that the studio you are sending your child to has certified instructors. My daughter has had a fantastic time learning dance with her friends. She has grown tremendously in the past year and has become more outgoing. She also has made friends outside of her classroom, which has allowed her to be friends with a more diverse group. She also now has friends with similar interests.

The level of care from her instructors is overwhelming. Like schoolteachers, my daughters dance instructors have learned a lot about her and have pushed her to try harder and to succeed. My daughter now takes greater care in her schoolwork because she knows that in order to continue with dance, she must have good grades in school.

This summer my daughter is taking part in her first dance competition and she is extremely excited to be able to travel with her friends and compete against her peers. Though some parents may feel that this adds additional pressure to a childs already complicated life, my daughters instructors have explained that competition isn't about winning its about new challenges.


Make sure you find a good studio, one that has a reputation for doing good work. Some studios hire less qualified instructors which can be damaging to a childs growth. Make sure that teachers have some sort of license or accreditation. Many studios hire their old students to be instructors, which might not be beneficial to your child because they would not be taught by people with a variety of experiences.

Also, don't push your child into dance if they do not want to dance. It will only be detrimental to them because they may end of resenting you for pushing them into something they do not enjoy. I strongly recommend some sort of trial period first, where your child could make up their own mind as to whether or not they want to continue with dance.

Also, do not fall into the trap of putting your child into a class with their best friend. I purposely did not allow my daughter to go to the same dance school that her friend went to because I felt that the studio wasn't of the best quality, and also she would not branch out and make as many new friends as she has.

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City, State
8vJS3l <a href="">xsdertuvcvmy</a&g  more... close row
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