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the Price of a Month of After School Daycare

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$ 100
Oct 2007
Brighton, MI
Afterschool care with snacks and supervision  more... close row

Description of service

$100 per week is the cost of one child for approximately two hours of afterschool care. From what I hear I am getting a great deal. My child is 7 and just loves the fact that on nice days she gets to see her friends and play on the jungle gym outside. Also included is qualified care by several supervisors who give the kids snacks and plays with them and supervise to make sure everyone gets along.

Review of Service

The service from the afterschool daycare has been great. My daughter complains that there are a couple of people there that she doesn't get along with but luckily her two best friends also attend the same child care place and they just love hanging out. They have a scheduled snack time which is once all the different kids get there after their day of school. It usually consists of raisins, gold fish crackers or frozen grapes, the kids also get a juice box or water. The playground is state of the art with a curly slide, swings, tunnels and sand to play in. I won't miss spending the money to send my child there everyday after school, but I know that she will miss it. Luckily for her she still has a few years before she will have to go somewhere else.


Make sure that the supervisors treat all the kids equally and that your child has friends or can meet friends there otherwise you will hear nothing but complaining from your child.

$ 100
Apr 2008
Phoenix, AZ
8 & 9
After school care at local community center  more... close row
$ 125
May 2008
Akron, OH
Very happy with attentiveness of teachers  more... close row
$ 200
Aug 2006
Huntington, WVA
One month of after school daycare that child loves  more... close row
$ 255
Jun 2008
Nyack, NY
Program is in the same school as child's classroom  more... close row
$ 350
Jun 2007
Ashland City, TN
One month of after school care with homework assistance  more... close row
$ 400
Sep 2007
San Diego, CA
Overpriced but good service  more... close row
$ 225
Mar 2007
Huntington, WV
Staff very welcoming to mother and son  more... close row
$ 350
Mar 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio
Daughter loved day care  more... close row
$ 80
Apr 2008
Poplar Bluff, MO
Son got to continue playing with friends after school was out  more... close row