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the Cost of Roof Repair Services

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$ 350
Jul 2007
Garland, TX
Leaky roof repair and shady contractor negotiations  more... close row
$ 55
Mar 2008
Winston Salem
Rain gutters cleaned out  more... close row
$ 600
May 2007
Seattle, WA
Roof leaking around chimney  more... close row

Description of service

I have been having some leaking problems around my chimney and have tried to fix it myself several times without success. I finally called in the professionals and has them give me a bid. I wound up hiring them because they said it was more than just the shingles, it was the wood and the seal underneath. $600 got the job done including new shingles, wood underneath and a black tar that seals around the chimney. The roof is very steep so that's the reason for the cost of fixing such a small hole.

Review of Service

They came on a Saturday morning which wasn't great, but I had them hurry because it was supposed to rain hard the next week. We get lots of rain so it was pretty important. It took two and a half hours to finish the job and they were gone. The repair came with a lifetime warranty that guaranteed that it wouldn't leak or they would fix it again. This helped me rest at ease that the same problem wouldn't happen again.


You could fix your own roof, but if you don't know what you're doing then you just risk making the problem worse or not fixing it at all. I stuck with the professionals since the roof was so high and steep. I would have attempted it myself if it wasn't so dangerous looking.

$ 350
Mar 2008
Ashburn, VA
Shingle repair not as expensive as estimate  more... close row
$ 1800
Nov 2007
Poolesville, Maryland
No more leaks during the rainy season  more... close row
$ 200
Mar 2008
Ashland, KY
Wind storm blew shingles off of roof  more... close row
$ 340
Jan 2006
Mt holly NJ
Damage with shingles and flashing  more... close row
$ 175
May 2007
Baltimore, Maryland
Roof was leaking rain and needed fixing  more... close row
$ 200
Mar 2008
Hurrican, WV
Roof repairs after hurricane  more... close row
$ 800
May 2008
Monterey, California
Roof repair done in four hours  more... close row