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$ 125
Apr 2007
San Diego, CA
Expensive but worth the money  more... close row
$ 45
Aug 2008
Quitman, TX
Kids ride bus to day care  more... close row
$ 50
May 2008
Ashland, KY
Price per week of after school child care  more... close row

Description of service

This service is for after school day care at a state certified day care facility. My daughter is ten years old in the fourth grade at her elementary school. I pay $50 a week for the day care center to watch my child after school five days a week. The school bus drops her off at around 4:00 PM, and I pick her up at the day care center at 6:00 PM. The center gives her a place to do her home work, and provides a snack.

Review of Service

This is a great service that I wish was around when my older kids were younger. My job doesn't allow me to get off before four o'clock, but I am home with plenty of time by six, so the extra two hours goes a long way. The people at the center are certified teachers that help my daughter with her home work and that has really helped with her grades. This service costs a bit more, but is way better than finding a baby sitter that will sit with her for the two hours. During the summer when school is out, the center will watch her all day, but it costs more.


Shop around and see who is cheap, but don't get too cheap. The less you pay, the less you'll get. Also make sure you get a center that is certified by the state.

$ 65
May 2008
Rincon, GA
Per week price for after school daycare  more... close row
$ 75
Jan 2008
Memphis, Tennessee
After school daycare includes transportation  more... close row
$ 40
May 2008
Detroit, MI
Make sure the time meets your needs  more... close row
$ 90
Feb 2008
Independence, KS
6 and 7
Expect less when you pay less  more... close row
$ 75
May 2008
Mt Holly NJ
Weekly price for three days a week  more... close row
$ 70
Jun 2008
Allentown, PA
Flat weekly fee same as hourly fee  more... close row
$ 65
Jan 2008
Nashville tn
Late payment for every minut parents are late  more... close row
$ 100
May 2007
Davenport, Iowa
Per week cost of small group care  more... close row
$ 70
Mar 2008
Garland Texas
Weekly daycare for 7 year old  more... close row
$ 10
Sep 2007
San Diego, CA
Sliding scale for low income families  more... close row
$ 230
May 2008
Orange, CT
Price for 4 to 5 days a week of after school day care  more... close row