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the Cost of Online Travel Agents

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$ 0
Mar 2008
Las Vegas, Nevada
No charge for helpful travel agent  more... close row
$ 8
May 2008
Los Angeles - London
Cheap tickets and cancellation insurance  more... close row
$ 0
Oct 2006
phoenix to ft lauderdale
Online site fills airline seats for very low prices  more... close row

Description of service

It's a seat-filler service that finds odd routes that crisscross the country on whatever flights are available. Sometimes the seats are available on direct flights, but usually not. The minimum and maximum layover times and number of flights can be specified as can a "no repeat" feature that keeps you from doubling back to a previously visited spot on the trip. Our total per ticket price was $25, and there were no explicit charges for the service.

Review of Service

For the sake of cheap seats we flew from Phoenix to San Francisco, SF to Seattle, Seattle to New York City, NYC to Boise, Boise to Dallas, Dallas to Jacksonville, Jacksonville to Indianapolis, Indianapolis to Miami, Miami to Atlanta, Atlanta to Ft. Lauderdale. On the way back it was even stranger with layovers in Detroit, Toronto, Boston, Denver, and others I can't remember. We racked up a preposterous number of frequent flier miles, enough to pay for our trip several times over.


If you want to do this, plan on not being in a hurry as your journey may possibly take longer than simply getting in the car and driving to your ultimate destination. Expect someone, somewhere to lose at least part of your luggage along the way so take everything you need as a carry on. For a cheap adventure vacation you can specify a couple hours layover at each stop -- enough time for a meal or a nap or a quick something somewhere in the city you've stopped at, or at least a walk around the airport -- and a dozen or more flights, ultimately starting and stopping in the same city.

$ 0
Sep 2007
Phoenix to San Francisco
Online ticket reselling  more... close row
$ 20
Jan 2008
Seattle, WA
Fee for online travel agency  more... close row
$ 0
Aug 2007
Phoenix to New York
Online travel agents very easy  more... close row
$ 0
Mar 2008
Caribbean cruise
Online travel agencies save time and money  more... close row
$ 0
May 2008
Cyprus, Greece
Twenty minutes to plan vacation  more... close row
$ 0
May 2008
Phoenix to Chicago
Free online travel agent  more... close row
$ 0
Oct 2010
Origin of Travel/Destination
9xFMUR <a href="http://diemdmecskpg.com/">diemdmecskpg</a&g  more... close row
$ 0
Jan 2007
Oslo, Norway
Online travel agent got me to Oslo  more... close row
$ 0
May 2007
No service fee for online travel agent  more... close row