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the Cost of Body Piercing

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$ 100
Feb 2008
Memphis, TN
Back of Neck
Back of neck piercing  more... close row
$ 60
Jun 2007
Salem, MA
Nervous customer got nipple piercing  more... close row
$ 45
Jan 2008
Columbus, Ohio
Nipple piercing was something different  more... close row
$ 85
Jun 2008
Daytona Beach, Florida
Great nipple piercing service  more... close row
$ 50
Jun 2006
Rochester, NY
Discount for piercing both nipples  more... close row
$ 100
Jan 2007
Jacksonville, FL
both nipples
Both nipples pierced with barbells  more... close row

Description of service

I had made an appointment with a specific piercer who was the friend of a friend. I ws taken to a private room and asked to take my top off and lay on the table and cover up witht the sheet. It looked similar to a a massage table. the attendent left me alone for about 5-7 minutes and then a knock on the door and the piercer who I had met previously entered. She explained what she was going to do. I had already decided on curved barbells rather than a captive bead ring. SHe cleaned everything and offered to numb it for me with a topical pain reliever but I said no. She did it and then gave me after care instructions and suggested i pad my bra with some gauze for the next couple of days.

Review of Service

She used 2 needles, one for each nipple. Some places use the same needle for both nipples. It is cheaper, but it is dulled and hurts MORE. She ws very patient with my questions and gave me her card to call her if there were any questions or problems.


Call ahead and ask to take a look around and get some references that you can see and talk to before you get the piercings done. Do not hesitate to ask too many questions it is your body. I recommend finding someone who uses surgical needles.

$ 100
Mar 2006
Deep River CT
Nipples (Both)
Both nipples pierced   more... close row
$ 125
Apr 2007
Chicago, IL
Bought a nipple piercing for a friend  more... close row
$ 0
Oct 2010
City, State
pcXwwf <a href="http://djpviedsanud.com/">djpviedsanud</a&g  more... close row
$ 60
Jul 2008
Hollywood, CA
Right nipple piercing  more... close row